Monday, May 13, 2024

Laser Dentistry, Current Clinical Applications

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Laser Dentistry: Current Clinical Applications by the World Federation for Laser Dentistry (WFLD) is an extensive guide the cutting-edge, concepts and practices of laser dentistry. This collection of short articles were put together by Professor Aldo Brugnera Junior DDS, MS, PhD and Professor Samir Namour, DDS, MS, PhD, is composed for all those thinking about the medical usage of laser innovation associated to dentistry, research study, advancement and biology, and medication and surgical treatment.

Subjects consist of: Laser, history and physics; Laser periodontics; Laser applications in implantology; Laser in oral soft tissue surgical treatment; The laser management of oral leukoplakias; Treatment of bone necrosis brought on by biphosphonates, Treatment of vascular malformations; The function of lasers in caries avoidance; Dentinal adhesion and cavity preparation; The power of the bubble Erbium laser produced cavitation; Pre-emptive oral anaesthesia by Nd: YAG photobiomodulation; Non-invasive diagnostic techniques utilizing lasers; Clinical usage of laser/LED phototherapies; Laser photobiomodulation (PBM) with low level laser treatment (LLLT) in esthetic dentistry; Laser phototherapy & oral mucositis; Lasers in dentin dehypersensitivity; Photobiomodulation treatment and dentoalveolar obtained mesenchymal stem cells; Dental whitening without gel; Hard tissue adjustment, cavity preparation and caries elimination utilizing erbium lasers; Laser security; Optical fluorescence; World Federation for Laser Dentistry (WFLD) development and history.

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