Thursday, August 17, 2023

Oral Nurse interview|#Dental surgical treatment assistant interview l Dentistry Interview l Dental school

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Oral Nurse interview|Oral surgery assistant interview l Dentistry Interview l Dental school
General oral concerns for interviews
Oral nurse ke work profile?
Instrument ko sterilise krna
Cleaning up the oral surgery
Recording details about client
Recommending client on oral health
Preparing filling
Processing and filling x rays
Supplying assistance to the client examine the accessibility of devices and instruments
Kya kya quality honi chaiye ek dental practitioner me ??
A high level of manual mastery
Sabhi devices and instruments ke usage krna
Psychologically and fit
Kya inverted teeth me the crown is punctuating wards ??
No sir
It s pointing down wards
Why would a dental practitioner utilize an aspirating syringe??
It permits him to look for blood prior to injection
How dou repair rotten teeth ??
Inke liye hum metal braces ka usage kratey hai
Aap IM, IV, SC se kya samjhate hai?
It is subcutaneous injection
Professional, knowledge teeth na eliminate krane ki recommendations kyo dete hai??
Since surgical treatment, high expense
Call the condition that triggers a lot of teeth to grow in your mouth??
It is hyperdontia in additional teeth ko hum supernumerary teeth bhi khtey hai
Kya salt dental caries ko rokta hai??
Salt ko lukewarm water ke sath mix kre then us water se gargle kre
Why adrenaline utilized in dentistry??
It offers much deeper anaesthesia
Is serotonin a vesoconstrictor??
Both, vesoconstrictor and vasodilator
Z-track approaches kya hota hai??
This is IM injection methods
It is utilized to avoid tracking (leak)of the medication into the sub cutaneous tissue (indicates comprehend the skin)
What is DG muscles ??
This is dorsogluteal muscles and utilize on IM injection
Ectopic eruption mean??
It is eruption of irreversible tooth
What organ are knowledge teeth linked??
Little extensive
Root canal se aap kya smjhtey hai ??
Damage Or contaminated tooth ko get rid of krne ki jagah usage repair work kiya jata hai
Space teeth ??
Ise or bhi name se jana jata hai ex. diastema
4 kinds of injection??
IM interamusculer
IV Intera Venus
SC subcutaneous
ID intera dermal
Distinction in between canals and extraction?,
Root canal damage ya contaminated ko repair work krtey hai
Extraction me total tooth ko hta dete hai
What is oral crown in dentisty??
Usage on damage teeth
Root canal treatment ki phases ??
3 phases
Primary teeth ko kya khtey hai??
Main and deciduous
Function of premolar??
Chewing and grinding food
Kya teeth bones hoti hai
Ek resemblance hoti dono me calcium bhot hota hai
डेंटल नर्स इंटरव्यू
UCLA School of Dentistry Interview Questions
डेंटल नर्स क्या है?
oral nurse concerns and responses
oral interview concerns
speaking with a dental expert
oral workplace interview concerns and responses
concerns and responses for oral nurses pdf
oral nurse abilities
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#dentalnurse #dentalassistant #dentalinterview

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