⚡️About the Video:
Learn how to migrate to Germany to become a Dental Assistant – step by step.
👋About us:
My name is Marcel, im a freshly graduating Dentist from Germany and the founder of Global Healthcare Recruiters. We are a Team of Online Experts for the global job market in health.
Our goal is to enable health care professionals to go where life treats them best. To achieve that, we use a simple formula that is based on: 1. Information 2.Consultation 3. Cooperation 4. Transparency
1. Information:
We provide free online information about both working and living conditions as well as career opportunities for healthcare professionals in different countries worldwide.
2. Consultation:
Upon your request, we Chесk уоur CV аnd ѕuggеѕt to you thе bеѕt countries fоr an орtіmum саrееr (іnсludіng fасtоrѕ ѕuсh аѕ tax-rates and еxресtеd ѕаlаrу, employability, реrѕоnаl fасtоrѕ such as саrееr path, еduсаtіоn аnd реrѕоnаl preferences)
3. Cooperation:
We tested different healthcare recruitment agencies worldwide and partnered up with the best of them. In addition to our consultation, we recommend you a suitable partner, that will assist you in your migrational process, from Language learning, to getting Visa, passing necessary exams to your first job-interview and signing of the working contract.
4. Transparency:
We are 100 percent transparent with what we do.
Our company bills get payed by governmental organizations and health-care employees such as the Human resource departments in Hospitals that are in need of healthcare professionals. This is how we can afford to work entirely for free by your part,
Neither us, nor the partners that we recommend to you, will charge any fees to you.
💪🏻How to get started:
All you need to do is to send us an email with your CV.
Please format the CV according to the Europass standard. (https://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/)
We will review your case carefully, discuss it with our team and get back to you with information, recommendations and different options for your successful career abroad.
Send the email to: ➤➤ global.healthcare.recruiters@gmail.com
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