Sunday, April 11, 2021

Dental Assisting - GTI

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Dental Script
This student is getting a different point of view on her education today. She’s a student in the Granite Technical Institute’s Dental Assisting program. Here, high school students are trained in a functioning dental clinic — sometimes in the chair, sometimes over it.
From this point of view, as well as from this point of view, they fine tune their dental assisting skills and prepare to take well-paying jobs in clinics throughout the state.
Here students alternate between being patient and practioner. It’s one thing to have your teeth cleaned, it’s another to do the cleaning.
35: 29
((Okay, Ashley do you see this? That’s where you missed…. Okay.))
Carma Varas, Granite Dental Assisting Teacher
43: 25 Having the clinic in the class room is benefit to students. As implemented, we’re the only dental assisting program, high school, in the country that has a functioning dental office in the classroom.
((Cover)) 44: 23 In a regular classroom setting they would be, they would mix cements, know what used for, instruments name and use, impressions and polish… that was the extent of it. Now I can sgtart in class room, show on manikins, take full mouth exray, take bite wings to check for decay… so they get to see the full results of what they’re doing instead of just putting an exray in the mouth and pointing and saying, yeah I think that would be good. They actually get to see the results.
From their GTI classes, many of the students are combining internships in other dental clinics. Granite students are a step ahead .
Jessica snow, Taylorsville High student
28: 49 I have learned a lot. Sterilizing, instrument names. Started an internship at a dental office yesterday, and the stuff they showed me, I already knew . Stuff I learned in the class, basically knew everything you would from a normal office.
Outside of class time, when this dental office is open to real patients, the students get real-world experience assisting the Granite’s dentist. Then, when they enter an internship or paying job, they’re ready to go to work.
45: 44 they sit down with dentist, they do the procedure. Then when they’re through they’re going, “that was scarry but it was fun, it wasn’t as bad as I thought. And the next patient that comes in, they go right in and set it up.
30: 04 I just like the hands on, I like working with my hands. Seeing the patients, the interaction with the patients and stuff like that.
30: 23 I want to become a dental hygienist, I would love to find a job working as a dental assistant just through college.
((Music & tag))

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