Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Dental Assistant - WILL TRAIN (West Covina)

Are you good with kids and looking for a new, fulfilling career opportunity? Become a Dental Assistant! Children…’s Dental FunZone is seeking career-oriented, fast learners to join our team of talented dental professionals at our West Covina…
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Your Future in Dental Assisting

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Describes the duties, demands, and rewards of a career as a dental assistant. Includes information on training required, applying for a job, and salary.

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Flying Force Dental Assistant Tech School

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SJVC (RDA) oral helping resume E. Lake

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My video resume.

Dental Assistant (General Dentistry Practice)

As a Dental Assistant with an Aspen Dental-branded practice, you’ll have the support you need to reach your career… Minimum Education and Experience Dental Assistant Certificate where state regulations specify High School Diploma or equivalent…
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Pfizer says COVID vaccine was 100% effective in trial of children ages 12 to 15

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Pfizer and BioNTech announced Wednesday that their coronavirus vaccine was found to be 100% effective at protecting against COVID-19 in a trial of more than 2,200 children between the ages of 12 and 15.

The big picture: Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said the companies plan to submit clinical trial data to the FDA for emergency use authorization in the coming weeks, with the hope of vaccinations for adolescents beginning before the start of the next school year.

  • The trial’s data will also be submitted to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for emergency use authorization.

What they’re saying: “Across the globe, we are longing for a normal life. This is especially true for our children,” said Ugur Sahin, CEO and co-founder of BioNTech.

  • “The initial results we have seen in the adolescent studies suggest that children are particularly well protected by vaccination, which is very encouraging given the trends we have seen in recent weeks regarding the spread of the B.1.1.7 UK variant,” he added.

Details: The clinical trial was conducted in the U.S. with 2,260 adolescents ages 12 to 15.

  • The vaccines illustrated “100% efficacy and robust antibody responses,” and achieved better results than a previous study conducted on 16-25 year olds.
  • 18 cases of COVID-19 were observed in the group of participants who received a placebo, while none were observed in those who were vaccinated.
  • Pfizer and BioNTech also announced that the first doses were administered last week in a trial of children ages six months to 11 years

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Dental Hygiene Assistant

. We have all the proper PPE for the staff and are CDC COVID-19 compliant. Responsibilities The following dental hygiene assisting… ability to apply for a job. Returning Candidate? Dental Hygiene Assistant Job Locations US-FL-Temple Terrace Job ID 2021-12363 # of Openings 1…
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California Dental Law and Ethics for Dental Assistants, A Guide for Prospective Applicants

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A study guide to prepare applicants for the Registered Dental Assistant Law and Ethics Exam

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The Daily life of a Dental Assistant! || Cutieluvh ♡🧺

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╭- ♡ 💟🧺Today, you’ll be able to see what it’s like to be a Dental Assistant!
ʚ this was so fun to film!
ʚ thank you to Teethyz for letting me vlog for a little bit of an insight of what it’s like in the industry today!

╭- socials

ʚ My Profile:
ʚ My Group:
ʚ My Meet and Greet Game:

╭- credits
ʚ game :: Teethyz Dentist!
ʚ thumbnail :: Me! (Cutieluvh) ♡
ʚ description layout made by :: flcrqq (Changes made by me though)!

╭- Side Note
ʚ Re-uploaded with music!

Dental Assisting at PCI

featured image This video is about the Dental Assisting Program at PCI.

Brain Scraper: Why Do Some COVID Tests Hurt So Much?

March 30, 2021 — The one time I got tested for COVID-19, I wound up in the emergency room — but not because I tested positive. During the test, as the technician kept inching the swab deeper and deeper inside my nose, I felt a bit of discomfort. Afterward, I left the facility with a shrug, thinking it wasn’t so bad. I didn’t suspect it would trigger the worst headache I’ve ever had. I’ve had migraines for years, so I know from headaches. This felt exponentially worse, like a terrifying vise. Hours later, after over-the-counter pain medications didn’t even take the edge off, I let my husband call an ambulance.

I’m far from alone in having a COVID test with an ugly aftermath. Hattey Lennerman, a nurse in Lexington, KY, has to get monthly tests because of her work. At her very first one back in April 2020, “I felt a sharp pain and my eyes watered. I wound up gripping the chair, reeling back from the pain,” she says. She had a burning sensation and pain in her jaw. Within 15 minutes, she had the worst headache she’d had in years. “I had to turn out the lights in my office and just sit there. Ibuprofen didn’t touch it.” And at her second test, Lennerman’s nose bled.

Aside from headaches, teary eyes, and nosebleeds, some people have fainted. Others describe the test as feeling “like I was cleaned from behind my eyeball,” “wild painful,” and as if it “reached to the back of my skull and then went back for more.” One person’s eye started twitching, and another said she thought she was being lobotomized.

The Nasopharyngeal Swab

Hundreds of millions of COVID tests have been done in the U.S. over the last year. Tests using the nasopharyngeal swab — the one that feels like it might scrape your brain — are considered the gold standard.

“Think about the millions who’ve been swabbed — you hear about every one that has a bad experience,” says Andrew Lane, MD, director of the Johns Hopkins Sinus Center. “It’s extremely, extremely rare.”

Those bad experiences can stem from several issues, thanks to the number of things involved. People tolerate pain differently and have different perceptions of stimuli. And human anatomy varies widely — your nasal passages may be broader or narrower than the person standing next to you, or you may have a deviated septum. Another factor: the skill of the technician doing the test. Because testing ramped up so quickly, you’ll find a range of training and experience levels.

The premise of the test itself is another part of the problem. “The body doesn’t like foreign objects entering the nose. It’s an open path from the outside world that goes directly to your windpipe and your lungs. And your nasal cavity is adjacent to your eye and your brain,” Lane says. “That’s a high-priority territory to defend.”

To do the test, a technician inserts a flexible, soft-tipped, 6-inch swab into your nostril. They’ll guide it to the back of your nose until it reaches the nasopharynx — the area where your nasal cavities meet your throat — and swirl it gently. They may leave it there for a few seconds to collect secretions. If the first nostril doesn’t provide enough, they may repeat the process in the other nostril.

Explaining Those Reactions

The challenge, according to Lane, is that no two noses are the same. “The goal with the swab should be to get to the nasopharynx without hitting anything along the way,” he says. “Unfortunately, the geometry of the nasal passages is different from person to person.”

The mucous membrane that lines your nose has a lot of nerve endings. “In general, the body’s pretty tolerant the first couple centimeters — as far as you can stick your finger in. Beyond that, the mucous membrane reacts to being touched.” Lane says.

That activates involuntary, hard-wired reflexes. Depending on how strongly your body responds, the result can be discomfort, teary eyes, pain, and other reactions. “Some people get gagging, coughing, sneezing — it’s all part of the same reflex,” he says. For people who are more prone to get headaches, it can trigger a whopper.

As for nosebleeds, that membrane (called the mucosa) is delicate and has lots of blood vessels, says Philip Chen, MD, an associate professor of otolaryngology — head and neck surgery at the University of Texas Long School of Medicine. “Nosebleeds would occur if the swab irritated and broke the surface of the mucosa,” he said in an email. “This might be more likely in really dry climates, at altitude, and if the person has a very narrow nose.”

Fainting has an equally straightforward explanation: “It’s what’s called a vasovagal event. This can occur whenever the body has a very strong response to a situation such as emotional distress or pain,” says Chen. “For some people, the anxiety of having the procedure or the actual pain can result in fainting.”

Scraping the Brain?

Although some say the test feels like having your brain tickled or stabbed, the swab can’t actually get near your grey matter.

“There are three layers of protection in the nose. There’s the mucosal lining, which covers the inside of the nose. There’s the olfactory epithelium (involved in sense of smell). The inside, the dura mater, which means ‘tough mother,’ is a tough lining of skin around the brain. It’s hard to penetrate through (it) without something sharp,” Shawn Nasseri, MD, an ear, nose, and throat surgeon in Los Angeles, told USA Today.

In a very small number of cases around the world, testing has led to leaking cerebrospinal fluid. At least one of those was found to be due to a previously unknown birth defect. “I suspect the people who have this happen had an abnormality, a protrusion of brain tissue through a hole in the bone,” says Lane. The swab itself is flexible, so it’ll bend before getting into bone.

“It’s such a low risk, I wouldn’t be frightened,” he says. “Your risk of having COVID and not knowing is much higher.”

There is one group that may be at a higher risk for this kind of trouble: “People who have had extensive sinus surgery should not be tested with nasopharyngeal swab,” says Chen. He’s the lead author of a study that looked at the need for warning such patients. That kind of surgery often involves removing a bone between the nasal cavity and the base of the skull, which might allow the swab to get through.

Tips for a Pain-Free Swab

Because anatomy and pain tolerance vary, there’s no way of knowing if you’re likely to have a bad experience. But these suggestions may lessen your discomfort:

  • If you’ve got a stuffy nose, try a spray decongestant like Afrin, Lane suggests. That can help clear a path and make it less likely that the swab will bump into anything on its way to your nasopharynx. Lie down and put one drop in each nostril, 30-60 minutes before the test.
  • Pay attention to the technician’s instructions. Position your head as directed, so they can place the swab at the correct angle. And once they start, don’t move! “Wherever they tell you to put your head, put your head in that spot and keep it there,” says Lane.

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First Day Of Dental Assistant School | What To Expect As a Dental Assistant Student

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First Day Of Dental Assistant School | What To Expect As a Dental Assistant Student

What happens on the first day of dental assistant school? In this video I will discuss The first day of dental assistant school and how it can get really crazy, I also share some realistic tips on what to expect as a dental assistant student. Hope this video was helpful

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Video Credits

Kevin Hart ” No she wasnt ready”
Little James “You trippin”

Song Info:
Title: Sthlm Sunset by Ehrling

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How I Prepared For The Dental Assistant State Board Exam:

#DentalAssistantProgramFirstDay #FirstDayOfDentalAssistantSchool #DentalAssisting

Dental Assisting & Dental Hygiene Information Session

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Learn more about the Dental Assisting and Dental Hygiene Programs offered at Broward College.

COVID Vaccines Could Lose Their Punch Within a Year, Experts Say

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Editor’s note: Find the latest COVID-19 news and guidance in Medscape’s Coronavirus Resource Center.

Two-thirds of epidemiologists from leading academic institutions say the world will need new or modified vaccines for COVID-19 within a year, new research shows.

In a survey of 77 epidemiologists from 28 countries by the People’s Vaccine Alliance, 66.2% predicted that the world has a year or less before variants make current vaccines ineffective. The People’s Vaccine Alliance is a coalition of more than 50 organizations including African Alliance, Oxfam, Public Citizen, and UNAIDS (the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS).

Almost a third (32.5%) of those surveyed said ineffectiveness would happen in 9 months or less; 18.2% said 6 months or less.

Paul A. Offit, MD, director of the Vaccine Education Center, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania, told Medscape Medical News that while it’s hard to say whether vaccines could become ineffective in that timeframe, “It’s perfectly reasonable to think it could happen.”

The good news, said Offit, who was not involved with the survey, is that SARS-CoV-2 mutates slowly compared with other viruses such as influenza.

“To date,” he said, “the mutations that have occurred are not far enough away from the immunity induced by your natural infection or immunization such that one isn’t protected at least against severe and critical disease.”

That’s the goal of vaccines, he noted: “to keep people from suffering mightily.”

A Line May Be Crossed

“And so far that’s happening, even with the variants,” Offit said. “That line has not been crossed. But I think we should assume that it might be.”

Offit said it will be critical to monitor anyone who gets hospitalized who is known to have been infected or fully vaccinated. Then countries need to get really good at sequencing those viruses, he added.

The great majority of those surveyed (88%) said that persistently low vaccine coverage in many countries would make it more likely that vaccine-resistant mutations will appear.

Coverage comparisons between countries are stark.

Many Countries Haven’t Given a Single Vaccine Dose

While rich countries are giving COVID-19 vaccinations at the rate of a person a second, many of the poorest countries have given hardly any vaccines, the People’s Vaccine Alliance says.

Additionally, according to researchers at Duke University’s Global Health Innovation Center, high- and upper-middle-income countries, which represent one-fifth of the world’s population, have bought about 6 billion doses. But low- and lower-middle-income countries, which make up four-fifths of the population, have bought only about 2.6 billion, an article in Nature reports.

“You’re only as strong as your weakest country,” Offit said. “If we haven’t learned that what happens in other countries can (affect the global population), we haven’t been paying attention.”

Gregg Gonsalves, PhD, associate professor of epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, one of the academic centers surveyed, didn’t specify a timeline for when vaccines would become ineffective, but said in a press release that the urgency for widespread global vaccination is real.

“Unless we vaccinate the world,” he said, “we leave the playing field open to more and more mutations, which could churn out variants that could evade our current vaccines and require booster shots to deal with them.”

“Dire, but Not Surprising”

Panagis Galiatsatos, MD, MHS, a Johns Hopkins pulmonologist whose research focuses on healthcare disparities, said the survey findings were “dire, but not surprising.”

Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland, was another of the centers surveyed, but Galiatsatos wasn’t personally involved with the survey.

COVID-19, Galiatsatos points out, has laid bare disparities, both in who gets the vaccine and who’s involved in trials to develop the vaccines.

“It’s morally concerning and an ethical reckoning,” he told Medscape Medical News.

Recognition of the borderless swath of destruction the virus is exacting is critical, he said.

The United States “has to realize this can’t be a US-centric issue,” he said. “We’re going to be back to the beginning if we don’t make sure that every country is doing well. We haven’t seen that level of uniform approach.”

He noted that scientists have always known that viruses mutate, but now the race is on to find the parts of SARS-CoV-2 that don’t mutate as much.

“My suspicion is we’ll probably need boosters instead of a whole different vaccine,” Galiatsatos said.

Among the strategies sought by the People’s Vaccine Alliance is for all pharmaceutical companies working on COVID-19 vaccines to openly share technology and intellectual property through the World Health Organization COVID-19 Technology Access Pool, to speed production and rollout of vaccines to all countries.

In the survey, 74% said that open sharing of technology and intellectual property could boost global vaccine coverage; 23% said maybe and 3% said it wouldn’t help.

The survey was carried out between February 17 and March 25. Respondents include epidemiologists, virologists, and infection disease specialists from the following countries: Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Canada, Denmark, Ethiopia, France, Guatemala, India, Italy, Kenya, Lebanon, Norway, Philippines, Senegal, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Spain, United Arab Emirates, Uganda, United Kingdom, United States, Vietnam, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

Offit and Galiatsatos reported no relevant financial relationships.

Marcia Frellick is a freelance journalist based in Chicago. She has previously written for the Chicago Tribune, Science News, and, and was an editor at the Chicago Sun-Times, the Cincinnati Enquirer, and the St. Cloud (Minnesota) Times. Follow her on Twitter at @mfrellick.

For more news, follow Medscape on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

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Certified Dental Assistant

the same location for over 60 years and are looking forward to many more years ahead. Dental Assistant…: 30am to 3: 30pm. We have a healthy doctor to patient ratio. We care deeply about our team. Dental Assistant Qualifications…
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A Guide to AHP Credentialing, Challenges and Opportunities to Credentialing Allied Health Professionals

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A Guide to AHP Credentialing

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In this video I will discuss some tips for How To Ace your Dental Assistant job Interview! I will also be going over some of the most common questions and for dental assistants and new dental assistant graduates.

In order to ace your dental assistant job Interview, you will want to be familiar with some potential interview questions that may be asked and have some ideas on how you will answer them.

This video gives you some of the top dental assistant job interview questions and tips. These interview questions range from:

Why did you choose dental assisting as a profession?
What is your level of experience with dental practice management software?
What steps do you take to prepare for a patient’s arrival?
How do you explain the need for a dental procedure to a patient who doesn’t understand the importance of the treatment?
A patient is diagnosed with cavities and becomes frustrated because they claim their previous dentist who they saw months ago didn’t recommend any treatment. How do you handle the situation?
How do you maintain patient confidentiality?
What steps do you follow to take a quality alginate impression?
If You Were In The Front Office and A mail men enter the dental office, you also have a angry patient on line one, which patient would you assist first?
Tell me about yourself?
What are your strengths?
What are your weakness?’
Are you willing to travel to a different dental office location?

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How I Prepared For The Dental Assistant State Board Exam| Study Tips and Books

Things You Must Know| Starting A Career As a Dental Assistant

RDA vs CDA | What’s The Difference Between RDAs and CDAs

How To Get A Dental Assistant Job: Dental Assistant Interview Tips & FAQs

How Much $$$ Do A Registered Dental Assistants & Dental Hygienist Make In California

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Wake Tech 360 - Dental Assisting

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Durango's Covid 'Cowboy' Beats Up Spring Break Scofflaws, Lines 'Em Up for Shots

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Bartenders were pouring Old-Fashioneds at a bar with a bullet hole directly through the wood. Servers in corsets and fishnet stockings roamed the space, passing an old piano that, twice a week, fills the building with ragtime tunes.

It was a Friday night at the Diamond Belle Saloon on the main drag in Durango, Colorado.

” You can’t toss a stone around here without striking a Texan,” remembered Scott Perez, the man in the marshal get-up.

This was the Wild West, after all: spring break2021 And leaders of this city of about 19,000 are eager to hold covid-19 at bay with a little old-time law and order on mask mandates– and even a little modern vaccine science.

Perez is really familiar with this block, having staged his death numerous times outside the saloon during summertime gunfight efficiencies.

Dressed in Old West attire, Cathy Roberts (left) and Scott Perez (best) mix it up with locals and visitors while on an objective in Durango, Colorado: to motivate mask usage during the pandemic. They offer complimentary masks and sometimes stand for a fast picture chance with travelers.( Jeremy Wade Shockley/ for KHN)

Early in the pandemic, some mountain towns and counties locked out visitors These days, they’re welcoming tourists with open arms– and, sometimes, a shot in the arm.

The health department that serves Durango’s La Plata County is amongst those using covid vaccines to outsiders. In neighboring San Juan County, where the constable was threatening to great and tow cars and trucks with out-of-county license plates a year earlier, authorities are now informing visitors, “If you’re here and with us now, let’s get you immunized if you’re qualified,” county representative DeAnne Gallegos said. Andrew Sandstrom, a representative for the Gunnison County covid reaction, said his county is doing the same however authorities are just asking that visitors receive both doses in the exact same place.

Liane Jollon, executive director of the health department that covers La Plata and Archuleta counties, said more than 30%of homeowners have gotten at least one vaccine dose, putting the counties ahead of the curve. They aren’t advertising their vaccine supply as a lure for travelers, but as long as visitors fit Colorado’s vaccine eligibility criteria, Jollon said, they aren’t turning anybody away.

The state told vaccine suppliers not to ask for IDs or evidence of residency, to avoid producing barriers for immigrants or homeless individuals, stated Brian Spencer, with the Colorado State Joint Details. By extension, however, that means spring break tourists or second-home visitors likewise can engage.

” While it can seem like a challenging burden to immunize more people in your jurisdiction, it likewise assists keep our entire neighborhood safe,” Jollon stated. “We have actually had individuals increase for the day from New Mexico to get a vaccine.”

Usually this time of year, visitors are available in spring break waves from Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Arizona. Oklahoma’s governor has declined to impose a statewide mask required, and the governor of Texas lifted that state’s mandate and completely resumed organizations soon prior to spring break travelers began showing up in Colorado.

In La Plata County, mobile phone data examined by the health department shows that, from the first week of March to the third, mobile devices coming from nonresidents shot from 15%of the total to 40%, with many coming from Texas and Oklahoma.

Some of the influx began even previously.

Coloradans fear what the visitors might leave.

” In a number of our mountain towns, we’re beginning to see a new uptick,” stated Jollon. “We’re really concerned that after spring break we could see an uptick that would injure our schools’ capability to continue to offer in-person knowing alternatives.”

Around this time 102 years earlier, Durango was closing its schools and opening an emergency situation hospital– again– to handle a resurgence of the 1918 influenza pandemic. People were fumigating their houses with formaldehyde, and kids were leaping rope to the song “I had a little bird. Its name was Enza. I opened the window, and in-flu-Enza.”

In the middle of the covid pandemic, regional authorities and services in Durango, Colorado, have employed stars Cathy Roberts and Scott Perez, to name a few, for a particular job: to get individuals to use their darn masks.( Jeremy Wade Shockley/ for KHN)

” It was certainly bad here,” said Perez. “They had bodies stacked up, especially the ones that passed away in the winter season due to the fact that they couldn’t dig to bury them. They could not discover the mortician. He was laying amongst the bodies because he passed away. … A lot of the girls of the evening ended up being nurses.”

So this time, the neighborhood wants to prevent a resurgence, however also keep the tourism dollars streaming.

Durango, which usually brings in an estimated 1.5 million visitors each year with its brick buildings, steam train and bluffs crumbling into the Animas River, initially prepared to hire a personal security company to encourage out-of-towners to don masks. That’s what the town of Breckenridge did. Then Rachel Brown, executive director of Visit Durango, jokingly proposed Old West stars rather.

” I have actually been told that the enjoyable and theatrical technique of the Mask Marshal program is being extremely well gotten,” Brown stated. “We are grateful that we chose this alternative over private security.”

The need for mask police puzzles Perez. “I can’t figure it out at all,” he said. “I mean, there’s a lot evidence about how this helps and yet somehow it ended up being political.”

His right-hand female in mask compliance is Cathy Roberts, a fellow reenactor, plus an animal supporter and military veteran. She uses a red-and-black cancan dress and passes “Miss Cat,” after the saloon owner in the TELEVISION and radio series “Gunsmoke.”

” She can deactivate anyone with appeal,” said Perez.

” And the 3rd option is not pretty,” stated Perez. To be clear, the only heat he’s packaging is 2 rounds of Pfizer.

Durango does not require people to wear masks outdoors however does when individuals go into any companies or public structures.

” That’s all they got ta do,” stated Roberts, who quickly found the problem by the door: 4 individuals who plainly were not familiar with Durango’s mask rules.

One male accepted it, she said, and put it on.

Perez hung back behind her, silent below his bandanna and white mustache. Technically speaking, all noses had been covered, so the set moved on.

” Mask compliance in fact is really, truly high,” stated Perez. “There’s a great deal of individuals using masks level on the walkways, where they don’t need to.”

The previous couple of weekends, he’s mainly discovered himself welcoming individuals, welcoming them to Durango, talking about local history and after that insinuating the guidelines about masks.

” And 99.9%of the time, that’s well received,” he said, even among the Texans, who may also go home vaccinated.

Dressed in Old West outfit, Cathy Roberts (left) and Scott Perez (best) are on a mission in Durango, Colorado: to motivate mask use throughout the pandemic. ( Jeremy Wade Shockley/ for KHN)

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Modern Dental Assisting

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Modern Dental Assisting

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Learning to be a Dental Assistant at Chairside Dental Academy - First session Jan 2012

featured image Chairside Dental Academy students on the first day of class


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How to get hired at the office you’re doing your internship/clinicals at! I believe if you do these five tips you will be hired!

Dental Assistant

Dental Assistant An ADP Client, Horizon Family Dental Care is actively seeking for a Dental AssistantAssistant with great clinical and communication skills; team player; is engaged with the practice philosophy. The Dental
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Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Should You Become A Dental Assistant Before Dental Hygiene School?

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Do you need to be a dental assistant before being a dental hygienist? If you are a dental assistant before entering dental hygiene school…do you have an advantage?


Dental Hygiene Career Hub:



Camera: Panasonic LUMIX GH5
Lights: LimeStudio 700w
Sound: Rode GO
Editing Software: Finalcut Pro X
Background Music:
Vacation Uke – ALBIS

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Dental Assisting Program at UMA

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UMA’s Dental Assisting Program prepares students to be integral members of the oral health team through classroom learning and experiences in a variety of clinical dentistry settings.

This program is designed for individuals who are interested in becoming members of the dental health care delivery team. The dental assisting student will be educated in four-handed dentistry and in the duties often delegated to dental assistants, including dental radiography, oral health education, and business office responsibilities.

UMA’s Dental Assisting program is the only accredited dental assisting program in Maine, currently offered at the UMA Bangor Campus.

Learn more:

#dentalassistance #dentalassisting

Dental Hygiene Assistant

ability to apply for a job. Returning Candidate? Dental Hygiene Assistant Job Locations US-FL-Tampa Job ID 2021-12739 # of Openings 1 Type Full-Time… Category Dental Assistant Overview We are hiring a Dental Hygiene Assistant for our affiliated practice; Advanced Dental
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Karnataka sees nearly 3,000 new Covid cases, 21 deaths in last 24 hours

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Bengaluru Urban alone accounted for 1,984 fresh cases today


Karnataka | Coronavirus

Karnataka reported 2,975 new cases of COVID-19 and 21 related fatalities, taking the caseload to 9,92,779 and the death toll to 12,541, the Health department said on Tuesday.

The day also saw 1,262 patients getting discharged after recovery, taking the discharge tally to 9,54,678, a department bulletin said.

A total of over 2,13,02,658 samples have been tested so far, out of which 1,06,917 were tested on Tuesday alone.

Bengaluru Urban alone accounted for 1,984 fresh cases today.

According to the bulletin, out of 25,541 active cases, 25,301 patients are in isolation at designated hospitals and are stable, while 240 are in ICU.

Among the 21 deaths reported today, 11 are from Bengaluru Urban, Mysuru 3, Bengaluru Rural 2, and one each from Bidar, Chikkamagaluru, Hassan, Kalaburagi and Mandya.

Kalaburagi accounted for 156 cases today, Mysuru 111, Bidar 102, Bengaluru Rural 66, followed by others.

Bengaluru Urban district tops the list of positive cases, with a total of 4,31,899, followed by Mysuru 55,668 and Ballari 39,763.

Among discharges too, Bengaluru Urban tops the list with 4,09,715, followed by Mysuru 53,949 and Ballari 38,876.

(Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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Dental Assistant

Responsible for assisting the dentist and preparing patient and equipment. Performs clinical and technical procedures… under the supervision of a licensed dentist. Other duties as assigned. Benefits: Health Dental Discount Voluntary Vision…
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Legal Provisions for Delegating Expanded Functions to Dental Hygienists and Dental Assistants

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Legal Provisions for Delegating Expanded Functions to Dental Hygienists and Dental Assistants

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Purpose Driven Dental Assisting Lesson #5 of 23 - Dental Assistant Responsibilities

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Are you interested in dental assisting, or in just learning more about dentistry and how a dental office runs? Have you ever considered expanding your personal knowledge or training into the field of dental assisting, maybe considering seeking employment in the dental assisting field? If you have, then this is the course for you!

When you sign on to this course with 23 sections all loaded to the brim, you’ll have access to a deep and wide knowledge base condensed from years of clinical experience and practice into a mere 4 hours of high quality and compelling HD video.

Lectures Included:

Introduction to Dental Assisting
General Dentistry Overview
The Dental Team
Patient Advocacy
Dental Assistant Responsibilities
Patient Interactions
Radiographs Dental Anatomy
Common Dental Procedures
Dental Impressions
Tooth Preparation
Direct Restoration
Indirect Restoration
Fixed Prosthodontics
Removable Prosthetics
Oral Surgery
Dental Implant Prosthetics
Continuing Care
Professional Development
Whether you are interested in discovering everything there is to know about dental assisting, or want to focus in on one particular facet therein, this is the course for you.


Dave King, DDS

Cerritos College Dental Assisting Program

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The American Health Journal includes the Cerritos College Dental Assisting Program.

How to Put Together X-ray Rinns

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Oral Assisting (Levels I and II) (S113) online information session

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(Third column, 21st story, link)

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Coronal Polishing Dental Assistant or EFDA

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Monday, March 29, 2021

BOJ's Kuroda says global, Japan economies rebounding from COVID shock

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TOKYO (Reuters) – Bank of Japan (BOJ) Governor Haruhiko Kuroda on Tuesday offered a cautiously optimistic view of the economy, saying global and Japanese growth are picking up from the damage caused by the coronavirus pandemic thanks to aggressive stimulus measures.

FILE PHOTO: Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda wearing a protective face mask attends a news conference as the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continues in Tokyo, Japan, April 27, 2020, in this photo released by Kyodo. Mandatory credit Kyodo/via REUTERS

Speaking at a seminar, Kuroda said Japan’s economic growth will be “clearly positive” in the country’s new fiscal year, beginning in April, thanks to solid global trade and domestic demand for durable goods.

“The global economy is rebounding, a move that is also seen in Japan’s economy,” Kuroda said. “The recovery in the U.S. economy is positive both for Japan and global growth.”

But Kuroda stressed the BOJ’s resolve to maintain its massive stimulus and take additional easing steps “without hesitation” if risks derail Japan’s recovery.

“We will closely monitor markets as well as overseas and domestic economic developments, as various uncertainties remain on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic,” Kuroda said.

The upbeat comments come in the wake of the BOJ’s decision earlier this month to make its policy tools more sustainable as the pandemic prolongs the battle to meet its long-distant 2% inflation goal.

Among the purposes of the review was to mitigate the rising cost of prolonged easing, such as the strain ultra-low interest rates inflict on financial institutions’ margin.

Critics of Kuroda’s radical policies have called on the BOJ to ditch its 2% inflation target and start focusing more on addressing the damage of low rates to Japan’s banking system.

Kuroda countered such views, saying that monetary policy must focus on achieving price stability.

“Price stability can be pursued with monetary policy, while a sound financial system can be achieved with macro-prudential tools,” Kuroda said, signalling the BOJ won’t dial back stimulus just to mitigate the side-effects on banks.

After rebounding from the initial hit of COVID-19, Japan’s economy is seen suffering a contraction in the current quarter due to weak consumer demand.

The outlook remains uncertain, though analysts expect solid exports to make up for some of the weakness in domestic consumption.

The BOJ will release new quarterly economic growth and inflation forecasts at its next rate review on April 26-27.

Reporting by Leika Kihara; Editing by Christian Schmollinger and Kenneth Maxwell


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Oral Assistant (General Dentistry Practice)

As a Oral Assistant with an Aspen Oral– branded practice, you’ll have the assistance you require to reach your profession … Minimum Education and Experience Oral Assistant Certificate where state policies define High School Diploma or comparable …
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Fraudsters are laundering millions in Covid relief through online investment platforms

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Tech-savvy fraudsters stealing from the government’s Covid pandemic relief programs to help businesses have found a convenient way to launder the money: they’re opening accounts with at least four online investment platforms, law enforcement officials said.

The digital platforms, investigators said, are easy to dump the money into by setting up accounts with stolen identities. More than $100 million in fraudulent funds passed through investment accounts since Congress passed the CARES Act last March, according to authorities.

Thieves have used Robinhood, TD Ameritrade, E-Trade and Fidelity to launder the money, a law enforcement source said.

The government quickly rolled out the Paycheck Protection Program and the Economic Injury Disaster Loan, or EIDL, program last year to help small businesses. Both programs have been plagued with problems. An inspector general’s report issued last October blamed inadequate controls for billions of dollars in potential fraud.

“The thieves are loving this stuff. This has been the financial crime bonanza act of 2021,” said Charles Intriago, a money laundering expert and former federal prosecutor.

Due to the size of the potential fraud, he said, law enforcement is facing “a behemoth situation where the money is so massive, and the criminals are looking at it as a great opportunity. They’re salivating at the chance to rip it off.”

Numerous investigations into the money laundering are underway, according to Roy Dotson, Secret Service assistant special agent in charge, who specializes in financial crimes.

“It’s definitely something that is visible to us. There’s all types of investment platforms being utilized doing this,” said Dotson.

Criminals are taking advantage of how easy it is to sign up for accounts, as well as the relative anonymity compared with opening a bank account, he said.

“It’s just another layer to make it harder for law enforcement to understand where the funds came from,” he said.

Dotson would not discuss the names or number of companies targeted. He would only say that it’s “multiple investment platforms.”

He estimated that “more than $100 million has gone through these platforms” in this manner.

How the fraud works

The fraud typically works like this: The criminal steals a business owner’s identity and applies for a loan. Once they get the funds, the money needs to be deposited somewhere that makes it arduous for investigators to trace. So, fraudsters routinely use the stolen identity, which typically is someone’s date of birth, Social Security number and other personal information, to open an investment account such as at Robinhood.

In other cases, law enforcement officials said, the criminals use what’s called a “synthetic identity,” which is a fictitious Social Security number tied to a real person, or “mules” who are in on the scheme.

Robinhood, which has been in the news recently because of a wave of retail investor interest generated by so-called meme stocks such as GameStop, has been targeted in several fraud cases under investigation.

Ricardo Pena, a fraud detective with the Coral Springs Police Department in Florida who is part of a federal anti-fraud task force, said he is investigating several cases where Robinhood was used by criminals to launder PPP funds and EIDL funds.

In one case, Pena said the fraudster stole the identity of a local resident named Marc Heiberg and was able to receive $28,000 in EIDL funds, which were obtained using fraudulent information for a nonexistent business with 60 employees. The fraudster then opened a Robinhood account and attempted to transfer most of the money from a bank account using the victim’s identity.

Records show an “ACH reversal” three days after the account was opened, Pena said. That means the transfer was reversed.

Heiberg, a corporate merchandising manager, said Robinhood told him that it was looking into the fraudulent account. The criminals opened an account with Chase, as well, he said.

“It becomes just totally outrageous that they can just take any person out there like myself, take your Social Security number and open up accounts through a bank, open up accounts through the government and have that money deposited and then start money laundering, laundering it into other companies,” Heiberg said.

He said he is worried that other accounts might have been opened in his name.

“My name means everything to me. You know, I’ve got, I’ve got boys, I’ve got a family. And, you know, I want their names to be intact as well,” Heiberg said.

The Small Business Administration, which oversees the loan programs, told CNBC that “new, enhanced measures” to detect fraud have been put in place since the first round of loans were rolled out last year.

In a statement, Chase Chief Communications Officer Amy Bonitatibus said: “We actively monitor for signs of fraud and quickly take action to protect our customers. In this case, we immediately identified suspicious activity on the account, which helped prevent money from being withdrawn or transferred.”

Pena, the Coral Springs detective, said he has not identified who set up the fraudulent accounts, but screenshots of security video shows a suspect trying to take money out of an ATM at the bank.

He said Robinhood is often targeted because of its appeal among younger people – and many of the criminals are in their 20s.

“You hear about it; everybody goes to it. Even the criminals know about it,” Pena said. “A lot of people that are doing these frauds are younger. They understand electronic banking. Platforms like Robinhood are just easier to get these accounts in order to push money in and out. And they know there’s not that much oversight.”

Rick McDonell, executive director of the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists, said he is not surprised by this form of fraud.

“If I were a good criminal, I would avoid banks like the plague,” said McDonell, one of the world’s leading experts in money laundering. 

Fraudsters are also attracted to the ease of using Robinhood and other such platforms, according to Etay Maor, senior director of security strategy at Cato Networks.

“It’s not like you have to walk into a bank and show yourself,” Maor said. “The criminals do their homework and find the best way for high-reward and low-risk situations like that. By the time you find out the information, the money is way gone.”

The platforms respond

Three of the investment platforms that responded to a request for comment told CNBC they have strong anti-fraud protocols in place to verify account information, and have been working with law enforcement on this issue.

A Robinhood spokesperson said: “We are laser focused on preventing fraud before it happens and our fraud and security teams have been working with law enforcement to mitigate and address this industry-wide problem. Like other brokerages and financial institutions, Robinhood verifies new customer information across various data sources, and requires government-issued IDs as appropriate.”

A spokesperson for TD Ameritrade said the company “made efforts from the beginning of the CARES Act to be at the forefront of identifying and mitigating this type of fraudulent activity, including engaging with Law Enforcement, Peer Firms and Government agencies.”

It added that “there will always be bad actors who will try to take advantage of vulnerable investors/people at every opportunity they can – it’s exactly why we have processes and controls in place in an attempt to identify and escalate this behavior.”

Fidelity said in a statement that it has “detected accounts with suspicious deposits associated with this industry-wide issue related to COVID-19 relief funds. We are engaged in ongoing coordination with law enforcement and their efforts in this regard.”

In addition, the company said it has a “range of safeguards and multiple layers of security in place for detecting fraudulent accounts and subsequent transactions. By design, some of our protections are visible and some are not. To help ensure the integrity of our security practices, it’s not appropriate for us to comment further on those specific safeguards.”

E-Trade did not respond to multiple emails and calls.

Other fraud

Some fraudsters who use online investment platforms don’t even bother to steal an identity.

In a recent case in Seattle, prosecutors charged tech executive Mukund Mohan with receiving a total of $5.5 million in PPP funds by submitting fraudulent loan applications. Court filings show $231,471 was deposited in Mohan’s Robinhood account with the remainder in various banks.

Mohan, whose LinkedIn account lists him as a former director of engineering at Microsoft and product management director at Amazon, has apologized for the fraud.

In a blog post from last August after he was charged in the case, Mohan wrote: “I did screw up. Can’t say no. I hurt people who trusted me, believed in me, and now are besides themselves. Unfortunately, I cannot talk about the details given the legal circumstances, but I truly apologize.”

Mohan pleaded guilty to wire fraud and money laundering, with sentencing scheduled for July. He declined CNBC’s request for comment.

The Secret Service’s Dotson said the size of the overall fraud is staggering, an assertion backed up by other federal agencies and departments.

The Department of Justice has seized or forfeited $626 million in funds as a result of criminal and civil investigations connected to the PPP and EIDL programs, less than 1% of the nearly $84 billion in fraud identified in the programs, according to the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis.

“Because of the sheer volume of the stimulus package and the amount of money and the opportunities, that just led to individuals using all the different platforms,” Dotson said.

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